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Other Spaces
29.11.2017 - 21.01.2018
For Michel Foucault the institution of the museum, but also libraries, cinemas and theatres are examples of his concept of the espace autre, the other space. This other, heterotopic space has rules specific to itself, reflects social conditions and circumstances, and relates levels of place and time that are independent of one another.
The museum as heterotopia, in which “[…] the real places of culture are simultaneously represented, enacted and used” therefore collects works that are situated outside their own time and in this way allow the realisation of Utopias.
In the seventh edition of the exhibition format collected, which presents selected works from the Bank Austria Kunstforum collection, paintings and photographs are juxtaposed which by means of scenarios of the real or manifestation of Utopias construe (pictorial) spaces, and by creating these other spaces summon up a critical way of seeing things and of questioning real places. The exhibition starts off a puzzle game oscillating between Utopia and the reality of pictorial spaces, the media and last but not least the museum itself as heterotopia.
Svenja Deininger
Alois Mosbacher
Gregor Pirker
Lois Renner
Hans Schabus
Eva Schlegel
Hubert Schmalix
Gerold Tagwerker
Curator: Veronika Rudorfer
Opening: Tuesday, 28 November 2017, 7.30 pm
Michaela Frühwirth: per-form, earthward
26/04/2018 - 24/06/2018