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Images of women?
21.02.2019 - 31.03.2019
One of the hot topics being discussed at present is about the representation of the female body in art. Time and again the criticism of sexualised images is loudly voiced in art institutions. And it is noticeable that the male perspective – whether that of the artist or of the observer – generally hugs the spotlight. Artists who portray women and thus create images of women remote from the regimen of a male-dominated perspective are almost completely left out of the (media-based) discussions.
In the tresor in the Bank Austria Kunstfourm Wien, the eighth edition of the exhibition format “collected” presents selected great works by women from the UniCredit Bank Austria art collection. Through the media of photography, collage, painting and drawing the artists analyse the objectification of the female body, the normativity of concepts like “beauty”, and socially determined, supposedly typical female role assignments, thus casting an individual light onto “woman” and forms of femaleness.
With works by
Renate Bertlmann
Martha Jungwirth
Birgit Jürgenssen
Kiki Kogelnik
Friederike Pezold
Margot Pilz
Eva Schlegel
Nina Rike Springer
Gabi Trinkaus
and an intervention by Agnes Prammer
Curator: Veronika Rudorfer
Opening: Wednesday 20.02.2019, 7pm
11/04/2019 - 16/06/2019